Title: | Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression |
Description: | Facilitates scalable spatiotemporally varying coefficient modelling with Bayesian kernelized tensor regression. The important features of this package are: (a) Enabling local temporal and spatial modeling of the relationship between the response variable and covariates. (b) Implementing the model described by Lei et al. (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2109.00046>. (c) Using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to sample from the posterior distribution of the model parameters. (d) Employing a tensor decomposition to reduce the number of estimated parameters. (e) Accelerating tensor operations and enabling graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration with the 'torch' package. |
Authors: | Julien Lanthier [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: | Julien Lanthier <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-02-14 04:57:22 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/julien-hec/bktr |
Operator overloading for kernel multiplication
## S3 method for class 'Kernel' k1 * k2
## S3 method for class 'Kernel' k1 * k2
k1 |
Kernel: The left kernel to use for composition |
k2 |
Kernel: The right kernel to use for composition |
A new KernelMulComposed
# Create a new locally periodic kernel k_loc_per <- KernelSE$new() * KernelPeriodic$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_loc_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_loc_per$kernel_gen()
# Create a new locally periodic kernel k_loc_per <- KernelSE$new() * KernelPeriodic$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_loc_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_loc_per$kernel_gen()
Operator overloading for kernel addition
## S3 method for class 'Kernel' k1 + k2
## S3 method for class 'Kernel' k1 + k2
k1 |
Kernel: The left kernel to use for composition |
k2 |
Kernel: The right kernel to use for composition |
A new KernelAddComposed
# Create a new additive kernel k_rq_plus_per <- KernelRQ$new() + KernelPeriodic$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_rq_plus_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_rq_plus_per$kernel_gen()
# Create a new additive kernel k_rq_plus_per <- KernelRQ$new() + KernelPeriodic$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_rq_plus_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_rq_plus_per$kernel_gen()
These data represent 14 spatial features (columns) for 587 bike sharing stations (rows) located at different geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) in Montreal. The Montreal based bike sharing company is named BIXI. The first column contains the descriptive label affected to each station and the other columns contain information about the infrastructure, points of interests, walkscore and population surrounding each station for 2019.
A data frame with 587 observations on the following 14 variables.
a character vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Wang, X., Cheng, Z., Trépanier, M., & Sun, L. (2021). Modeling bike-sharing demand using a regression model with spatially varying coefficients. Journal of Transport Geography, 93, 103059.
Reference for the BIXI station informations: BIXI Montréal (2023). “Open Data.” Accessed: 2023-07-11, URL https://bixi.com/en/ open-data.
Reference for point of interests and infrastructure informations: DMTI Spatial Inc (2019). “Enhanced Point of Interest (DMTI).” URL https://www.dmtispatial.com.
Reference for Walkscore: Walk Score (2023). “Walk Score Methodology.” Accessed: 2023-07-11, URL https://www.walkscore.com/methodology.shtml.
The population information comes from the 2016 Canada census data at a dissemination block level.
Data points representing the spatial locations of 587 bike sharing stations for the Montreal based bike sharing company named BIXI. The dataframe contains a label to identify each station and its associated longitude and latitude coordinates.
A data frame with 587 observations on the following 3 variables.
a character vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Wang, X., Cheng, Z., Trépanier, M., & Sun, L. (2021). Modeling bike-sharing demand using a regression model with spatially varying coefficients. Journal of Transport Geography, 93, 103059.
BIXI Montréal (2023). “Open Data.” Accessed: 2023-07-11, URL https://bixi.com/en/ open-data.
These data capture the number of daily departure for 587 bike sharing stations (rows) through 197 days (columns). The data is limited to the 2019 season of a Montreal based bike sharing company named BIXI.
A data frame with 587 rows and 197 columns.
Wang, X., Cheng, Z., Trépanier, M., & Sun, L. (2021). Modeling bike-sharing demand using a regression model with spatially varying coefficients. Journal of Transport Geography, 93, 103059.
BIXI Montréal (2023). “Open Data.” Accessed: 2023-07-11, URL https://bixi.com/en/ open-data.
These data represent the temporal features in Montreal applicable to a Montreal based bike sharing company named BIXI. The data include six features (columns) for 196 days (rows). The time column represent the label associated to each captured time for the 2019 season of BIXI. The other columns contain information about Montral weather and applicable holidays for each day.
A data frame with 196 observations on the following 6 variables.
a IDate
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Lei, M., Labbe, A., & Sun, L. (2021). Scalable Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficient Modelling with Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.00046.
The weather data is sourced from the Environment and Climate Change Canada Historical Climate Data website.
The holiday column is specifying if a date is a holiday or not, according to the Quebec government.
These data represent 196 temporal indices (rows) related to each day of the 2019 season of Montreal based bike sharing company named BIXI. The time column represent the label associated to each day and the time_index column represent the location in time space of each day when compared to each other. Since no days are missing and they are all spaced by exactly one day, the time_index is simply a range from 0 to 195.
A data frame with 196 observations on the following 2 variables.
a IDate
a numeric vector
Lei, M., Labbe, A., & Sun, L. (2021). Scalable Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficient Modelling with Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.00046.
R6 class encapsulating all BIXI dataframes. It is also
possible to use a light version of the dataset by using the is_light
parameter. In this case, the dataset is reduced to its first 25 stations
and first 50 days. The light version is only used for testing and short examples.
The departure dataframe
The spatial features dataframe
The temporal features dataframe
The spatial positions dataframe
The temporal positions dataframe
The data dataframe
Whether the light version of the dataset is used
Initialize the BIXI data class
BixiData$new(is_light = FALSE)
Whether the light version of the dataset is used, defaults to FALSE.
A new BIXI data instance
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
BixiData$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a light BIXI data collection instance containing multiple dataframes # This only uses the first 25 stations and 50 days of the full dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) # Dataframe containing the position (latitude and longitude) of M stations bixi_data$spatial_positions_df # Dataframe containing the time position of N days (O to N-1) bixi_data$temporal_positions_df # Dataframe with spatial and temporal features for each day and station (M x N rows) bixi_data$data_df
# Create a light BIXI data collection instance containing multiple dataframes # This only uses the first 25 stations and 50 days of the full dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) # Dataframe containing the position (latitude and longitude) of M stations bixi_data$spatial_positions_df # Dataframe containing the time position of N days (O to N-1) bixi_data$temporal_positions_df # Dataframe with spatial and temporal features for each day and station (M x N rows) bixi_data$data_df
A BKTRRegressor holds all the key elements to accomplish the MCMC sampling algorithm (Algorithm 1 of the paper).
The dataframe containing all the covariates through time and space (including the response variable)
The response variable tensor
The tensor indicating which response values are not missing
The tensor containing all the covariates
The dimensions of the covariates tensor
The tensor containing all the sampled hyperparameters
The precision hyperparameter
The spatial covariate decomposition
The temporal covariate decomposition
The feature covariate decomposition
The result logger instance used to store the results of the MCMC sampling
Boolean showing wheter the MCMC sampling has been completed
The spatial kernel used
The temporal kernel used
The dataframe containing the spatial positions
The dataframe containing the temporal positions
The spatial kernel hyperparameter sampler
The temporal kernel hyperparameter sampler
The tau hyperparameter sampler
The precision matrix sampler
The spatial likelihood evaluator
The temporal likelihood evaluator
The rank of the CP decomposition
The number of burn in iterations
The number of sampling iterations
The total number of iterations
The initial value for the shape in the gamma function generating tau
The initial value for the rate in the gamma function generating tau
The formula used to specify the relation between the response variable and the covariates
The spatial labels
The temporal labels
The feature labels
The geographic coordinates projector
A summary of the BKTRRegressor instance
A dataframe containing the summary of the beta covariates
A dataframe containing the y estimates
A dataframe containing the imputed y estimates
A dataframe containing the beta estimates
A dataframe containing the beta estimates per iteration
List of all used decomposition tensors
Create a new BKTRRegressor
BKTRRegressor$new( data_df, spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df, rank_decomp = 10, burn_in_iter = 500, sampling_iter = 500, formula = NULL, spatial_kernel = KernelMatern$new(smoothness_factor = 3), temporal_kernel = KernelSE$new(), sigma_r = 0.01, a_0 = 1e-06, b_0 = 1e-06, has_geo_coords = TRUE, geo_coords_scale = 10 )
data.table: A dataframe containing all the covariates through time and space. It is important that the dataframe has a two indexes named 'location' and 'time' respectively. The dataframe should also contain every possible combinations of 'location' and 'time' (i.e. even missing rows should be filled present but filled with NaN). So if the dataframe has 10 locations and 5 time points, it should have 50 rows (10 x 5). If formula is None, the dataframe should contain the response variable 'Y' as the first column. Note that the covariate columns cannot contain NaN values, but the response variable can.
data.table: Spatial kernel input tensor used to calculate covariates' distance. Vector of length equal to the number of location points.
data.table: Temporal kernel input tensor used to calculate covariate distance. Vector of length equal to the number of time points.
Integer: Rank of the CP decomposition (Paper – ). Defaults to 10.
Integer: Number of iteration before sampling (Paper – ). Defaults to 500.
Integer: Number of sampling iterations (Paper – ). Defaults to 500.
A Wilkinson R formula to specify the relation between the response variable 'Y' and the covariates. If Null, the first column of the data frame will be used as the response variable and all the other columns will be used as the covariates. Defaults to Null.
Kernel: Spatial kernel Used. Defaults to a KernelMatern(smoothness_factor=3).
Kernel: Temporal kernel used. Defaults to KernelSE().
Numeric: Variance of the white noise process ()
defaults to 1E-2.
Numeric: Initial value for the shape () in the gamma function
generating tau defaults to 1E-6.
Numeric: Initial value for the rate () in the gamma function
generating tau defaults to 1E-6.
Boolean: Whether the spatial positions df use geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude). Defaults to TRUE.
Numeric: Scale factor to convert geographic coordinates to euclidean 2D space via Mercator projection using x & y domains of [-scale/2, +scale/2]. Only used if has_geo_coords is TRUE. Defaults to 10.
A new BKTRRegressor
Launch the MCMC sampling process.
For a predefined number of iterations:
Sample spatial kernel hyperparameters
Sample temporal kernel hyperparameters
Sample the precision matrix from a wishart distribution
Sample a new spatial covariate decomposition
Sample a new feature covariate decomposition
Sample a new temporal covariate decomposition
Calculate respective errors for the iterations
Sample a new tau value
Collect all the important data for the iteration
NULL Results are stored and can be accessed via summary()
Use interpolation to predict betas and response values for new data.
BKTRRegressor$predict( new_data_df, new_spatial_positions_df = NULL, new_temporal_positions_df = NULL, jitter = 1e-05 )
data.table: New covariates. Must have the same columns as the covariates used to fit the model. The index should contain the combination of all old spatial coordinates with all new temporal coordinates, the combination of all new spatial coordinates with all old temporal coordinates, and the combination of all new spatial coordinates with all new temporal coordinates.
data.table or NULL: A data frame containing the new spatial positions. Defaults to NULL.
data.table or NULL: A data frame containing the new temporal positions. Defaults to NULL.
Numeric or NULL: A small value to add to the diagonal of the precision matrix. Defaults to NULL.
List: A list of two dataframes. The first represents the beta forecasted for all new spatial locations or temporal points. The second represents the forecasted response for all new spatial locations or temporal points.
Return all sampled betas through sampling iterations for a given set of spatial, temporal and feature labels. Useful for plotting the distribution of sampled beta values.
BKTRRegressor$get_iterations_betas( spatial_label, temporal_label, feature_label )
String: The spatial label for which we want to get the betas
String: The temporal label for which we want to get the betas
String: The feature label for which we want to get the betas
A list containing the sampled betas through iteration for the given labels
Get a summary of estimated beta values. If no labels are given, then the summary is for all the betas. If labels are given, then the summary is for the given labels.
BKTRRegressor$get_beta_summary_df( spatial_labels = NULL, temporal_labels = NULL, feature_labels = NULL )
vector: The spatial labels used in summary. If NULL, then all spatial labels are used. Defaults to NULL.
vector: The temporal labels used in summary. If NULL, then all temporal labels are used. Defaults to NULL.
vector: The feature labels used in summary. If NULL, then all feature labels are used. Defaults to NULL.
A new data.table with the beta summary for the given labels.
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
BKTRRegressor$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a BIXI data collection instance containing multiple dataframes bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) # Use light version for example # Create a BKTRRegressor instance bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( formula = nb_departure ~ 1 + mean_temp_c + area_park, data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) # Launch the MCMC sampling bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Get the summary of the bktr regressor summary(bktr_regressor) # Get estimated response variables for missing values bktr_regressor$imputed_y_estimates # Get the list of sampled betas for given spatial, temporal and feature labels bktr_regressor$get_iterations_betas( spatial_label = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df$location[1], temporal_label = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df$time[1], feature_label = 'mean_temp_c') # Get the summary of all betas for the 'mean_temp_c' feature bktr_regressor$get_beta_summary_df(feature_labels = 'mean_temp_c') ## PREDICTION EXAMPLE ## # Create a light version of the BIXI data collection instance bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) # Simplify variable names data_df <- bixi_data$data_df spa_pos_df <- bixi_data$spatial_positions_df temp_pos_df <- bixi_data$temporal_positions_df # Keep some data aside for prediction new_spa_pos_df <- spa_pos_df[1:2, ] new_temp_pos_df <- temp_pos_df[1:5, ] reg_spa_pos_df <- spa_pos_df[-(1:2), ] reg_temp_pos_df <- temp_pos_df[-(1:5), ] reg_data_df_mask <- data_df$location %in% reg_spa_pos_df$location & data_df$time %in% reg_temp_pos_df$time reg_data_df <- data_df[reg_data_df_mask, ] new_data_df <- data_df[!reg_data_df_mask, ] # Launch mcmc sampling on regression data bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( formula = nb_departure ~ 1 + mean_temp_c + area_park, data_df = reg_data_df, spatial_positions_df = reg_spa_pos_df, temporal_positions_df = reg_temp_pos_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Predict response values for new data bktr_regressor$predict( new_data_df = new_data_df, new_spatial_positions_df = new_spa_pos_df, new_temporal_positions_df = new_temp_pos_df)
# Create a BIXI data collection instance containing multiple dataframes bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) # Use light version for example # Create a BKTRRegressor instance bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( formula = nb_departure ~ 1 + mean_temp_c + area_park, data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) # Launch the MCMC sampling bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Get the summary of the bktr regressor summary(bktr_regressor) # Get estimated response variables for missing values bktr_regressor$imputed_y_estimates # Get the list of sampled betas for given spatial, temporal and feature labels bktr_regressor$get_iterations_betas( spatial_label = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df$location[1], temporal_label = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df$time[1], feature_label = 'mean_temp_c') # Get the summary of all betas for the 'mean_temp_c' feature bktr_regressor$get_beta_summary_df(feature_labels = 'mean_temp_c') ## PREDICTION EXAMPLE ## # Create a light version of the BIXI data collection instance bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) # Simplify variable names data_df <- bixi_data$data_df spa_pos_df <- bixi_data$spatial_positions_df temp_pos_df <- bixi_data$temporal_positions_df # Keep some data aside for prediction new_spa_pos_df <- spa_pos_df[1:2, ] new_temp_pos_df <- temp_pos_df[1:5, ] reg_spa_pos_df <- spa_pos_df[-(1:2), ] reg_temp_pos_df <- temp_pos_df[-(1:5), ] reg_data_df_mask <- data_df$location %in% reg_spa_pos_df$location & data_df$time %in% reg_temp_pos_df$time reg_data_df <- data_df[reg_data_df_mask, ] new_data_df <- data_df[!reg_data_df_mask, ] # Launch mcmc sampling on regression data bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( formula = nb_departure ~ 1 + mean_temp_c + area_park, data_df = reg_data_df, spatial_positions_df = reg_spa_pos_df, temporal_positions_df = reg_temp_pos_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Predict response values for new data bktr_regressor$predict( new_data_df = new_data_df, new_spatial_positions_df = new_spa_pos_df, new_temporal_positions_df = new_temp_pos_df)
Kernel Composition Operations Enum. Possibilities of operation between
two kernels to generate a new composed kernel. The values are: MUL
and ADD
An object of class list
of length 2.
Abstract base class for kernels (Should not be instantiated)
The variance of the kernel
The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
The distance matrix between points in a tensor format
The kernel's name
The parameters of the kernel (list of KernelParameter
The covariance matrix of the kernel in a tensor format
The positions of the points in a dataframe format
Identify if the kernel has a distance matrix or not
Kernel abstract base constructor
Kernel$new(kernel_variance, jitter_value)
Numeric: The variance of the kernel
Numeric: The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
A new Kernel
Abstract method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
Method to add jitter to the kernel's covariance matrix
Method to compute the kernel's covariance matrix
Method to set the kernel's positions and compute the distance matrix
Dataframe: The positions of the points in a dataframe format
Method to plot the kernel's covariance matrix
Kernel$plot(show_figure = TRUE)
Boolean: If TRUE, the figure is shown, otherwise it is returned
If show_figure
is TRUE, the figure is shown, otherwise it is returned
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
Kernel$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
R6 class automatically generated when adding two kernels together.
-> BKTR::KernelComposed
-> KernelAddComposed
Create a new KernelAddComposed
KernelAddComposed$new(left_kernel, right_kernel, new_name)
Kernel: The left kernel to use for composition
Kernel: The right kernel to use for composition
String: The name of the composed kernel
A new KernelAddComposed
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelAddComposed$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new additive kernel k_rq_plus_per <- KernelAddComposed$new( left_kernel = KernelRQ$new(), right_kernel = KernelPeriodic$new(), new_name = 'SE + Periodic Kernel' ) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_rq_plus_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_rq_plus_per$kernel_gen()
# Create a new additive kernel k_rq_plus_per <- KernelAddComposed$new( left_kernel = KernelRQ$new(), right_kernel = KernelPeriodic$new(), new_name = 'SE + Periodic Kernel' ) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_rq_plus_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_rq_plus_per$kernel_gen()
R6 class for Composed Kernels
-> KernelComposed
The kernel's name
The parameters of the kernel (list of KernelParameter
The left kernel to use for composition
The right kernel to use for composition
The operation to use for composition
Identify if the kernel has a distance matrix or not
Create a new KernelComposed
KernelComposed$new(left_kernel, right_kernel, new_name, composition_operation)
Kernel: The left kernel to use for composition
Kernel: The right kernel to use for composition
String: The name of the composed kernel
CompositionOps: The operation to use for composition
Method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
The core kernel's covariance matrix
Method to set the kernel's positions and compute the distance matrix
Dataframe: The positions of the points in a dataframe format
NULL, set the kernel's positions and compute the distance matrix
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelComposed$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new locally periodic kernel k_loc_per <- KernelComposed$new( left_kernel = KernelSE$new(), right_kernel = KernelPeriodic$new(), new_name = 'Locally Periodic Kernel', composition_operation = CompositionOps$MUL ) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_loc_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_loc_per$kernel_gen()
# Create a new locally periodic kernel k_loc_per <- KernelComposed$new( left_kernel = KernelSE$new(), right_kernel = KernelPeriodic$new(), new_name = 'Locally Periodic Kernel', composition_operation = CompositionOps$MUL ) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_loc_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_loc_per$kernel_gen()
R6 class for Matern Kernels
-> KernelMatern
The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
The smoothness factor of the kernel
Identify if the kernel has a distance matrix or not
Create a new KernelMatern
KernelMatern$new( smoothness_factor = 5, lengthscale = KernelParameter$new(2), kernel_variance = 1, jitter_value = NULL )
Numeric: The smoothness factor of the kernel (1, 3 or 5)
KernelParameter: The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
Numeric: The variance of the kernel
Numeric: The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
Method to the get the smoothness kernel function for a given integer smoothness factor
The smoothness kernel function
Method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
The core kernel's covariance matrix
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelMatern$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new Matern 3/2 kernel k_matern <- KernelMatern$new(smoothness_factor = 3) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_matern$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_matern$kernel_gen()
# Create a new Matern 3/2 kernel k_matern <- KernelMatern$new(smoothness_factor = 3) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_matern$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_matern$kernel_gen()
R6 class automatically generated when multiplying two kernels together.
-> BKTR::KernelComposed
-> KernelMulComposed
Create a new KernelMulComposed
KernelMulComposed$new(left_kernel, right_kernel, new_name)
Kernel: The left kernel to use for composition
Kernel: The right kernel to use for composition
String: The name of the composed kernel
A new KernelMulComposed
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelMulComposed$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new locally periodic kernel k_loc_per <- KernelMulComposed$new( left_kernel = KernelSE$new(), right_kernel = KernelPeriodic$new(), new_name = 'Locally Periodic Kernel' ) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_loc_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_loc_per$kernel_gen()
# Create a new locally periodic kernel k_loc_per <- KernelMulComposed$new( left_kernel = KernelSE$new(), right_kernel = KernelPeriodic$new(), new_name = 'Locally Periodic Kernel' ) # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_loc_per$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_loc_per$kernel_gen()
KernelParameter contains all information and behaviour related to a kernel parameters.
The hyperparameter mean's prior value or its constant value
Says if the kernel parameter is fixed or not (if fixed, there is no sampling)
The hyperparameter's minimal value during sampling
The hyperparameter's maximal value during sampling
The sampling range's amplitude
Precision of the hyperparameter
The kernel associated with the parameter (it is set at kernel instanciation)
The kernel parameter's name
The kernel parameter's full name
Create a new KernelParameter
KernelParameter$new( value, is_fixed = FALSE, lower_bound = DEFAULT_LBOUND, upper_bound = DEFAULT_UBOUND, slice_sampling_scale = log(10), hparam_precision = 1 )
Numeric: The hyperparameter mean's prior value (Paper - ) or its constant value
Boolean: Says if the kernel parameter is fixed or not (if fixed, there is no sampling)
Numeric: Hyperparameter's minimal value during sampling (Paper - )
Numeric: Hyperparameter's maximal value during sampling (Paper - )
Numeric: The sampling range's amplitude (Paper - )
Numeric: The hyperparameter's precision
A new KernelParameter
Set Kernel
for a given KernelParameter
KernelParameter$set_kernel(kernel, param_name)
Kernel: The kernel to associate with the parameter
String: The parameter's name
NULL, set a new kernel for the parameter
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelParameter$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# A kernel parameter can be a constant value const_param <- KernelParameter$new(7, is_fixed = TRUE) # It can otherwise be sampled and have its value updated through sampling samp_param <- KernelParameter$new(1, lower_bound = 0.1, upper_bound = 10, slice_sampling_scale = 4) # A kernel parameter can be associated with any type of kernel KernelPeriodic$new(period_length = const_param, lengthscale = samp_param)
# A kernel parameter can be a constant value const_param <- KernelParameter$new(7, is_fixed = TRUE) # It can otherwise be sampled and have its value updated through sampling samp_param <- KernelParameter$new(1, lower_bound = 0.1, upper_bound = 10, slice_sampling_scale = 4) # A kernel parameter can be associated with any type of kernel KernelPeriodic$new(period_length = const_param, lengthscale = samp_param)
R6 class for Periodic Kernels
-> KernelPeriodic
The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
The period length parameter instance of the kernel
Identify if the kernel has a distance matrix or not
The kernel's name
Create a new KernelPeriodic
KernelPeriodic$new( lengthscale = KernelParameter$new(2), period_length = KernelParameter$new(2), kernel_variance = 1, jitter_value = NULL )
KernelParameter: The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
KernelParameter: The period length parameter instance of the kernel
Numeric: The variance of the kernel
Numeric: The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
A new KernelPeriodic
Method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
The core kernel's covariance matrix
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelPeriodic$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new Periodic kernel k_periodic <- KernelPeriodic$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_periodic$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_periodic$kernel_gen()
# Create a new Periodic kernel k_periodic <- KernelPeriodic$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_periodic$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_periodic$kernel_gen()
R6 class for Rational Quadratic Kernels
-> KernelRQ
The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
The alpha parameter instance of the kernel
The distance matrix between points in a tensor format
The kernel's name
Create a new KernelRQ
KernelRQ$new( lengthscale = KernelParameter$new(2), alpha = KernelParameter$new(2), kernel_variance = 1, jitter_value = NULL )
KernelParameter: The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
KernelParameter: The alpha parameter instance of the kernel
Numeric: The variance of the kernel
Numeric: The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
A new KernelRQ
Method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
The core kernel's covariance matrix
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelRQ$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new RQ kernel k_rq <- KernelRQ$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_rq$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_rq$kernel_gen()
# Create a new RQ kernel k_rq <- KernelRQ$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_rq$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_rq$kernel_gen()
R6 class for Square Exponential Kernels
-> KernelSE
The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
Identify if the kernel has a distance matrix or not
The kernel's name
Create a new KernelSE
KernelSE$new( lengthscale = KernelParameter$new(2), kernel_variance = 1, jitter_value = NULL )
KernelParameter: The lengthscale parameter instance of the kernel
Numeric: The variance of the kernel
Numeric: The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
A new KernelSE
Method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
The core kernel's covariance matrix
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelSE$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new SE kernel k_se <- KernelSE$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_se$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_se$kernel_gen()
# Create a new SE kernel k_se <- KernelSE$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_se$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_se$kernel_gen()
R6 class for White Noise Kernels
-> KernelWhiteNoise
Identify if the kernel has a distance matrix or not
The kernel's name
KernelWhiteNoise$new(kernel_variance = 1, jitter_value = NULL)
Numeric: The variance of the kernel
Numeric: The jitter value to add to the kernel matrix
A new KernelWhiteNoise
Method to compute the core kernel's covariance matrix
The core kernel's covariance matrix
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
KernelWhiteNoise$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Create a new white noise kernel k_white_noise <- KernelWhiteNoise$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_white_noise$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_white_noise$kernel_gen()
# Create a new white noise kernel k_white_noise <- KernelWhiteNoise$new() # Set the kernel's positions positions_df <- data.frame(x=c(-4, 0, 3), y=c(-2, 0, 2)) k_white_noise$set_positions(positions_df) # Generate the kernel's covariance matrix k_white_noise$kernel_gen()
Plot the distribution of beta values for a given list of labels.
plot_beta_dists( bktr_reg, labels_list, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 6, fig_resolution = 200 )
plot_beta_dists( bktr_reg, labels_list, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 6, fig_resolution = 200 )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
labels_list |
List: List of labels tuple (spatial, temporal, feature) for which to plot the beta distribution through iterations |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
fig_width |
Integer: Figure width. Defaults to 9. |
fig_height |
Integer: Figure height. Defaults to 6. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI. Defaults to 200. |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot temporal beta coefficients for the first station and the first feature spa_lab <- bixi_data$spatial_positions_df$location[3] plot_beta_dists( bktr_regressor, labels_list = list( c(spa_lab, '2019-04-15', 'area_park'), c(spa_lab, '2019-04-16', 'area_park'), c(spa_lab, '2019-04-16', 'mean_temp_c') ), )
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot temporal beta coefficients for the first station and the first feature spa_lab <- bixi_data$spatial_positions_df$location[3] plot_beta_dists( bktr_regressor, labels_list = list( c(spa_lab, '2019-04-15', 'area_park'), c(spa_lab, '2019-04-16', 'area_park'), c(spa_lab, '2019-04-16', 'mean_temp_c') ), )
Plot the distribution of beta estimates regrouped by covariates.
plot_covariates_beta_dists( bktr_reg, feature_labels = NULL, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 6, fig_resolution = 200 )
plot_covariates_beta_dists( bktr_reg, feature_labels = NULL, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 6, fig_resolution = 200 )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
feature_labels |
Array or NULL: Array of feature labels for which to plot the beta estimates distribution. If NULL plot for all features. |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
fig_width |
Integer: Figure width. Defaults to 9. |
fig_height |
Integer: Figure height. Defaults to 6. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI. Defaults to 200. |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( formula = 'nb_departure ~ 1 + area_park + mean_temp_c + total_precip_mm', data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot beta estimates distribution for all features plot_covariates_beta_dists(bktr_regressor) # Or plot for a subset of features plot_covariates_beta_dists(bktr_regressor, c('area_park', 'mean_temp_c'))
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( formula = 'nb_departure ~ 1 + area_park + mean_temp_c + total_precip_mm', data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot beta estimates distribution for all features plot_covariates_beta_dists(bktr_regressor) # Or plot for a subset of features plot_covariates_beta_dists(bktr_regressor, c('area_park', 'mean_temp_c'))
Plot the distribution of hyperparameters through iterations
plot_hyperparams_dists( bktr_reg, hyperparameters = NULL, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 6, fig_resolution = 200 )
plot_hyperparams_dists( bktr_reg, hyperparameters = NULL, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 6, fig_resolution = 200 )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
hyperparameters |
Array or NULL: Array of hyperparameters to plot. If NULL, plot all hyperparameters. Defaults to NULL. |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
fig_width |
Integer: Figure width. Defaults to 9. |
fig_height |
Integer: Figure height. Defaults to 6. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI. Defaults to 200. |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) k_matern <- KernelMatern$new() k_periodic <- KernelPeriodic$new() bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_kernel = k_matern, temporal_kernel = k_periodic, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot the distribution of all hyperparameters plot_hyperparams_dists(bktr_regressor) # Plot the distribution of the spatial kernel hyperparameters spa_par_name <- paste0('Spatial - ', k_matern$parameters[[1]]$full_name) plot_hyperparams_dists(bktr_regressor, spa_par_name) # Plot the distribution of the temporal kernel hyperparameters temp_par_names <- sapply(k_periodic$parameters, function(x) x$full_name) temp_par_names <- paste0('Temporal - ', temp_par_names) plot_hyperparams_dists(bktr_regressor, temp_par_names)
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) k_matern <- KernelMatern$new() k_periodic <- KernelPeriodic$new() bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_kernel = k_matern, temporal_kernel = k_periodic, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot the distribution of all hyperparameters plot_hyperparams_dists(bktr_regressor) # Plot the distribution of the spatial kernel hyperparameters spa_par_name <- paste0('Spatial - ', k_matern$parameters[[1]]$full_name) plot_hyperparams_dists(bktr_regressor, spa_par_name) # Plot the distribution of the temporal kernel hyperparameters temp_par_names <- sapply(k_periodic$parameters, function(x) x$full_name) temp_par_names <- paste0('Temporal - ', temp_par_names) plot_hyperparams_dists(bktr_regressor, temp_par_names)
Plot the evolution of hyperparameters through iterations. (Traceplot)
plot_hyperparams_traceplot( bktr_reg, hyperparameters = NULL, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 5.5, fig_resolution = 200 )
plot_hyperparams_traceplot( bktr_reg, hyperparameters = NULL, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 9, fig_height = 5.5, fig_resolution = 200 )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
hyperparameters |
Array or NULL: Array of hyperparameters to plot. If NULL, plot all hyperparameters. Defaults to NULL. |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
fig_width |
Integer: Figure width. Defaults to 9. |
fig_height |
Integer: Figure height. Defaults to 5.5. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI. Defaults to 200. |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) k_matern <- KernelMatern$new() k_periodic <- KernelPeriodic$new() bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_kernel = k_matern, temporal_kernel = k_periodic, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot the traceplot of all hyperparameters plot_hyperparams_traceplot(bktr_regressor) # Plot the traceplot of the spatial kernel hyperparameters spa_par_name <- paste0('Spatial - ', k_matern$parameters[[1]]$full_name) plot_hyperparams_traceplot(bktr_regressor, spa_par_name) # Plot the traceplot of the temporal kernel hyperparameters temp_par_names <- sapply(k_periodic$parameters, function(x) x$full_name) temp_par_names <- paste0('Temporal - ', temp_par_names) plot_hyperparams_traceplot(bktr_regressor, temp_par_names)
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) k_matern <- KernelMatern$new() k_periodic <- KernelPeriodic$new() bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_kernel = k_matern, temporal_kernel = k_periodic, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot the traceplot of all hyperparameters plot_hyperparams_traceplot(bktr_regressor) # Plot the traceplot of the spatial kernel hyperparameters spa_par_name <- paste0('Spatial - ', k_matern$parameters[[1]]$full_name) plot_hyperparams_traceplot(bktr_regressor, spa_par_name) # Plot the traceplot of the temporal kernel hyperparameters temp_par_names <- sapply(k_periodic$parameters, function(x) x$full_name) temp_par_names <- paste0('Temporal - ', temp_par_names) plot_hyperparams_traceplot(bktr_regressor, temp_par_names)
Create a plot of beta values through space for a given temporal point and a set of feature labels. We use ggmap under the hood, so you need to provide a Google or Stadia API token to plot on a map. See: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggmap/readme/README.html for more details on how to get an API token.
plot_spatial_betas( bktr_reg, plot_feature_labels, temporal_point_label, nb_cols = 1, use_dark_mode = TRUE, show_figure = TRUE, zoom = 11, google_token = NULL, stadia_token = NULL, fig_width = 8.5, fig_height = 5.5, fig_resolution = 200 )
plot_spatial_betas( bktr_reg, plot_feature_labels, temporal_point_label, nb_cols = 1, use_dark_mode = TRUE, show_figure = TRUE, zoom = 11, google_token = NULL, stadia_token = NULL, fig_width = 8.5, fig_height = 5.5, fig_resolution = 200 )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
plot_feature_labels |
Array: Array of feature labels to plot. |
temporal_point_label |
String: Temporal point label to plot. |
nb_cols |
Integer: The number of columns to use in the facet grid. |
use_dark_mode |
Boolean: Whether to use a dark mode for the geographic map or not. Defaults to TRUE. |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
zoom |
Integer: Zoom level for the geographic map. Defaults to 11. |
google_token |
String or NULL: Google API token to use for the geographic map. Defaults to NULL. |
stadia_token |
String or NULL: Stadia API token to use for the geographic map. Defaults to NULL. |
fig_width |
Numeric: Figure width when figure is shown. Defaults to 8.5. |
fig_height |
Numeric: Figure height when figure is shown. Defaults to 5.5. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI. Defaults to 200. |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot spatial beta coefficients for the first time point and the two features # Use your own Google API token instead of 'GOOGLE_API_TOKEN' plot_spatial_betas( bktr_regressor, plot_feature_labels = c('mean_temp_c', 'area_park'), temporal_point_label = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df$time[1], google_token = 'GOOGLE_API_TOKEN') # We can also use light mode and plot the maps side by side # Use your own Stadia API token instead of 'STADIA_API_TOKEN' plot_spatial_betas( bktr_regressor, plot_feature_labels = c('mean_temp_c', 'area_park', 'total_precip_mm'), temporal_point_label = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df$time[10], use_dark_mode = FALSE, nb_cols = 3, stadia_token = 'STADIA_API_TOKEN')
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot spatial beta coefficients for the first time point and the two features # Use your own Google API token instead of 'GOOGLE_API_TOKEN' plot_spatial_betas( bktr_regressor, plot_feature_labels = c('mean_temp_c', 'area_park'), temporal_point_label = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df$time[1], google_token = 'GOOGLE_API_TOKEN') # We can also use light mode and plot the maps side by side # Use your own Stadia API token instead of 'STADIA_API_TOKEN' plot_spatial_betas( bktr_regressor, plot_feature_labels = c('mean_temp_c', 'area_park', 'total_precip_mm'), temporal_point_label = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df$time[10], use_dark_mode = FALSE, nb_cols = 3, stadia_token = 'STADIA_API_TOKEN')
Create a plot of the beta values through time for a given spatial point and a set of feature labels.
plot_temporal_betas( bktr_reg, plot_feature_labels, spatial_point_label, date_format = "%Y-%m-%d", show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 8.5, fig_height = 5.5, fig_resolution = 200 )
plot_temporal_betas( bktr_reg, plot_feature_labels, spatial_point_label, date_format = "%Y-%m-%d", show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 8.5, fig_height = 5.5, fig_resolution = 200 )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
plot_feature_labels |
Array: Array of feature labels to plot. |
spatial_point_label |
String: Spatial point label to plot. |
date_format |
String: Format of the date to use in bktr dataframes for the time. Defaults to '%Y-%m-%d'. |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
fig_width |
Numeric: Figure width when figure is shown. Defaults to 8.5. |
fig_height |
Numeric: Figure height when figure is shown. Defaults to 5.5. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI. Defaults to 200. |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot temporal beta coefficients for the first station and the two features plot_temporal_betas( bktr_regressor, plot_feature_labels = c('mean_temp_c', 'area_park'), spatial_point_label = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df$location[1])
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot temporal beta coefficients for the first station and the two features plot_temporal_betas( bktr_regressor, plot_feature_labels = c('mean_temp_c', 'area_park'), spatial_point_label = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df$location[1])
Plot y estimates vs observed y values.
plot_y_estimates( bktr_reg, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 5, fig_height = 5, fig_resolution = 200, fig_title = "y estimates vs observed y values" )
plot_y_estimates( bktr_reg, show_figure = TRUE, fig_width = 5, fig_height = 5, fig_resolution = 200, fig_title = "y estimates vs observed y values" )
bktr_reg |
BKTRRegressor: BKTRRegressor object. |
show_figure |
Boolean: Whether to show the figure. Defaults to True. |
fig_width |
Numeric: Figure width when figure is shown. Defaults to 5. |
fig_height |
Numeric: Figure height when figure is shown. Defaults to 5. |
fig_resolution |
Numeric: Figure resolution PPI when figure is shown. Defaults to 200. |
fig_title |
String or NULL: Figure title if provided. Defaults to 'y estimates vs observed y values' |
ggplot or NULL: ggplot object or NULL if show_figure is set to FALSE.
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot Y estimates vs observed y values plot_y_estimates(bktr_regressor)
# Launch MCMC sampling on a light version of the BIXI dataset bixi_data <- BixiData$new(is_light = TRUE) bktr_regressor <- BKTRRegressor$new( data_df <- bixi_data$data_df, spatial_positions_df = bixi_data$spatial_positions_df, temporal_positions_df = bixi_data$temporal_positions_df, burn_in_iter = 5, sampling_iter = 10) # For example only (too few iterations) bktr_regressor$mcmc_sampling() # Plot Y estimates vs observed y values plot_y_estimates(bktr_regressor)
Print the summary of a BKTRRegressor instance
## S3 method for class 'BKTRRegressor' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'BKTRRegressor' print(x, ...)
x |
A BKTRRegressor instance |
... |
Additional arguments to comply with generic function |
Function used to transform covariates coming from two dataframes one for spatial and one for temporal into a single dataframe with the right shape for the BKTR Regressor. This is useful when the temporal covariates do not vary trough space and the spatial covariates do not vary trough time (Like in the BIXI example). The function also adds a column for the target variable at the beginning of the dataframe.
reshape_covariate_dfs(spatial_df, temporal_df, y_df, y_column_name = "y")
reshape_covariate_dfs(spatial_df, temporal_df, y_df, y_column_name = "y")
spatial_df |
data.table: Spatial covariates dataframe with an index named location and a shape of (n_locations, n_spatial_covariates) |
temporal_df |
data.table: Temporal covariates dataframe with an index named time and a shape of (n_times, n_temporal_covariates) |
y_df |
data.table: The dataframe containing the target variable. It should have a shape of (n_locations, n_times). The columns and index names of this dataframe should be correspond to the one of the spatial_df and temporal_df. |
y_column_name |
string: The name of the target variable column in y_df. Default to 'y'. |
data.table: The reshaped covariates dataframe with a shape of (n_locations * n_times, 1 + n_spatial_covariates + n_temporal_covariates). The first two columns are the indexes (location, time), the following column is the target variable and the other columns are the covariates.
# Let's reshape the BIXI dataframes without normalization new_data_df <- reshape_covariate_dfs( spatial_df = BKTR::bixi_spatial_features, temporal_df = BKTR::bixi_temporal_features, y_df = BKTR::bixi_station_departures, y_column_name = 'whole_nb_departure') # The resulting dataframe has the right shape to be a BKTRRegressor data_df head(new_data_df)
# Let's reshape the BIXI dataframes without normalization new_data_df <- reshape_covariate_dfs( spatial_df = BKTR::bixi_spatial_features, temporal_df = BKTR::bixi_temporal_features, y_df = BKTR::bixi_station_departures, y_column_name = 'whole_nb_departure') # The resulting dataframe has the right shape to be a BKTRRegressor data_df head(new_data_df)
Simulate Spatiotemporal Data Using Kernel Covariances.
simulate_spatiotemporal_data( nb_locations, nb_time_points, nb_spatial_dimensions, spatial_scale, time_scale, spatial_covariates_means, temporal_covariates_means, spatial_kernel, temporal_kernel, noise_variance_scale )
simulate_spatiotemporal_data( nb_locations, nb_time_points, nb_spatial_dimensions, spatial_scale, time_scale, spatial_covariates_means, temporal_covariates_means, spatial_kernel, temporal_kernel, noise_variance_scale )
nb_locations |
Integer: Number of spatial locations |
nb_time_points |
Integer: Number of time points |
nb_spatial_dimensions |
Integer: Number of spatial dimensions |
spatial_scale |
Numeric: Spatial scale |
time_scale |
Numeric: Time scale |
spatial_covariates_means |
Vector: Spatial covariates means |
temporal_covariates_means |
Vector: Temporal covariates means |
spatial_kernel |
Kernel: Spatial kernel |
temporal_kernel |
Kernel: Temporal kernel |
noise_variance_scale |
Numeric: Noise variance scale |
A list containing 4 dataframes: - 'data_df' contains the response variable and the covariates - 'spatial_positions_df' contains the spatial locations and their coordinates - 'temporal_positions_df' contains the time points and their coordinates - 'beta_df' contains the true beta coefficients
# Simulate data with 20 locations, 30 time points, in 2D spatial dimensions # with 3 spatial covariates and 2 temporal covariates simu_data <- simulate_spatiotemporal_data( nb_locations=20, nb_time_points=30, nb_spatial_dimensions=2, spatial_scale=10, time_scale=10, spatial_covariates_means=c(0, 2, 4), temporal_covariates_means=c(1, 3), spatial_kernel=KernelMatern$new(), temporal_kernel=KernelSE$new(), noise_variance_scale=1) # The dataframes are similar to bixi_data, we have: # - data_df head(simu_data$data_df) # - spatial_positions_df head(simu_data$spatial_positions_df) # - temporal_positions_df head(simu_data$temporal_positions_df) # We also obtain the true beta coefficients used to simulate the data head(simu_data$beta_df)
# Simulate data with 20 locations, 30 time points, in 2D spatial dimensions # with 3 spatial covariates and 2 temporal covariates simu_data <- simulate_spatiotemporal_data( nb_locations=20, nb_time_points=30, nb_spatial_dimensions=2, spatial_scale=10, time_scale=10, spatial_covariates_means=c(0, 2, 4), temporal_covariates_means=c(1, 3), spatial_kernel=KernelMatern$new(), temporal_kernel=KernelSE$new(), noise_variance_scale=1) # The dataframes are similar to bixi_data, we have: # - data_df head(simu_data$data_df) # - spatial_positions_df head(simu_data$spatial_positions_df) # - temporal_positions_df head(simu_data$temporal_positions_df) # We also obtain the true beta coefficients used to simulate the data head(simu_data$beta_df)
Summarize a BKTRRegressor instance
## S3 method for class 'BKTRRegressor' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'BKTRRegressor' summary(object, ...)
object |
A BKTRRegressor instance |
... |
Additional arguments to comply with generic function |
Tensor backend configuration and methods for all the tensor operations in BKTR
-> TensorOperator
The floating point type to use for the tensor operations
The device to use for the tensor operations
Initialize the tensor operator with the given floating point type and device
TensorOperator$new(fp_type = "float64", fp_device = "cpu")
The floating point type to use for the tensor operations (either "float64" or "float32")
The device to use for the tensor operations (either "cpu" or "cuda")
A new tensor operator instance
Set the tensor operator parameters
TensorOperator$set_params(fp_type = NULL, fp_device = NULL, seed = NULL)
The floating point type to use for the tensor operations (either "float64" or "float32")
The device to use for the tensor operations (either "cpu" or "cuda")
The seed to use for the random number generator
Get the default jitter value for the floating point type used by the tensor operator
The default jitter value for the floating point type used by the tensor operator
Create a tensor from a vector or matrix of data with the tensor operator dtype and device
The vector or matrix of data to create the tensor from
A new tensor with the tensor operator dtype and device
Check if a provided object is a tensor
The object to check
A boolean indicating if the object is a tensor
Create a tensor with a diagonal of ones and zeros with the tensor operator dtype and device for a given dimension
The dimension of the tensor to create
A new tensor with a diagonal of ones and zeros with the tensor operator dtype and device
Create a tensor of ones with the tensor operator dtype and device for a given dimension
The dimension of the tensor to create
A new tensor of ones with the tensor operator dtype and device
Create a tensor of zeros with the tensor operator dtype and device for a given dimension
The dimension of the tensor to create
A new tensor of zeros with the tensor operator dtype and device
Create a tensor of random uniform values with the tensor operator dtype and device for a given dimension
The dimension of the tensor to create
A new tensor of random values with the tensor operator dtype and device
Create a tensor of random normal values with the tensor operator dtype and device for a given dimension
The dimension of the tensor to create
A new tensor of random normal values with the tensor operator dtype and device
Create a tensor of random uniform values with the same shape as a given tensor with the tensor operator dtype and device
The tensor to use as a shape reference
A new tensor of random uniform values with the same shape as a given tensor
Create a tensor of a range of values with the tensor operator dtype and device for a given start and end
TensorOperator$arange(start, end)
The start of the range
The end of the range
A new tensor of a range of values with the tensor operator dtype and device
Choose random values from a tensor for a given number of samples
TensorOperator$rand_choice( choices_tsr, nb_sample, use_replace = FALSE, weights_tsr = NULL )
The tensor to choose values from
The number of samples to choose
A boolean indicating if the sampling should be done with replacement. Defaults to FALSE
The weights to use for the sampling. If NULL, the sampling is uniform. Defaults to NULL
A new tensor of randomly chosen values from a tensor
Efficiently compute the kronecker product of two matrices in tensor format
TensorOperator$kronecker_prod(a, b)
The first tensor
The second tensor
The kronecker product of the two matrices
Efficiently compute the khatri rao product of two matrices in tensor format having the same number of columns
TensorOperator$khatri_rao_prod(a, b)
The first tensor
The second tensor
The khatri rao product of the two matrices
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
TensorOperator$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
# Set the seed, setup the tensor floating point type and device TSR$set_params(fp_type='float64', fp_device='cpu', seed=42) # Create a tensor from a vector TSR$tensor(c(1, 2, 3)) # Create a tensor from a matrix TSR$tensor(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=2)) # Create a 3x3 tensor with a diagonal of ones and zeros elsewhere TSR$eye(3) # Create a tensor of ones (with 6 elements, 2 rows and 3 columns) TSR$ones(c(2, 3)) # Create a tensor of zeros (with 12 elements, 3 rows and 4 columns) TSR$zeros(c(3, 4)) # Create a tensor of random uniform values (with 6 elements) TSR$rand(c(2, 3)) # Create a tensor of random normal values (with 6 elements) TSR$randn(c(2, 3)) # Create a tensor of random normal values with the same shape as a given tensor tsr_a <- TSR$randn(c(2, 3)) TSR$randn_like(tsr_a) # Create a tensor of a range of values (1, 2, 3, 4) TSR$arange(1, 4) # Choose two random values from a given tensor without replacement tsr_b <- TSR$rand(6) TSR$rand_choice(tsr_b, 2) # Use the tensor operator to compute the kronecker product of two 2x2 matrices tsr_c <- TSR$tensor(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=2)) tsr_d <- TSR$tensor(matrix(c(5, 6, 7, 8), nrow=2)) TSR$kronecker_prod(tsr_c, tsr_d) # Returns a 4x4 tensor # Use the tensor operator to compute the khatri rao product of two 2x2 matrices TSR$khatri_rao_prod(tsr_c, tsr_d) # Returns a 4x2 tensor # Check if a given object is a tensor TSR$is_tensor(tsr_d) # Returns TRUE TSR$is_tensor(TSR$eye(2)) # Returns TRUE TSR$is_tensor(1) # Returns FALSE
# Set the seed, setup the tensor floating point type and device TSR$set_params(fp_type='float64', fp_device='cpu', seed=42) # Create a tensor from a vector TSR$tensor(c(1, 2, 3)) # Create a tensor from a matrix TSR$tensor(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=2)) # Create a 3x3 tensor with a diagonal of ones and zeros elsewhere TSR$eye(3) # Create a tensor of ones (with 6 elements, 2 rows and 3 columns) TSR$ones(c(2, 3)) # Create a tensor of zeros (with 12 elements, 3 rows and 4 columns) TSR$zeros(c(3, 4)) # Create a tensor of random uniform values (with 6 elements) TSR$rand(c(2, 3)) # Create a tensor of random normal values (with 6 elements) TSR$randn(c(2, 3)) # Create a tensor of random normal values with the same shape as a given tensor tsr_a <- TSR$randn(c(2, 3)) TSR$randn_like(tsr_a) # Create a tensor of a range of values (1, 2, 3, 4) TSR$arange(1, 4) # Choose two random values from a given tensor without replacement tsr_b <- TSR$rand(6) TSR$rand_choice(tsr_b, 2) # Use the tensor operator to compute the kronecker product of two 2x2 matrices tsr_c <- TSR$tensor(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=2)) tsr_d <- TSR$tensor(matrix(c(5, 6, 7, 8), nrow=2)) TSR$kronecker_prod(tsr_c, tsr_d) # Returns a 4x4 tensor # Use the tensor operator to compute the khatri rao product of two 2x2 matrices TSR$khatri_rao_prod(tsr_c, tsr_d) # Returns a 4x2 tensor # Check if a given object is a tensor TSR$is_tensor(tsr_d) # Returns TRUE TSR$is_tensor(TSR$eye(2)) # Returns TRUE TSR$is_tensor(1) # Returns FALSE
Singleton instance of the TensorOperator
class that contains
all informations related the tensor API; tensor methods, used data type and used device.
An object of class TensorOperator
(inherits from Singleton
, R6
) of length 19.